Yonael Berhe

Graphic Design Student

A Charlotte Native studying Advertising + Graphic Design at CPCC. This website is my learning hub for CSS, and I've used this page as a place to experiment alongside a Linkedin Learning Course. Although I have some coding experience, this is my first time diving deep with HTML & CSS, and am really excited to explore it further!

Featured Projects

View selected projects below. More information can be found at behance.net/yonaelberhe.

Placeholder Panda Thumbnail

Placeholder Project 1

Using these projects as placeholders until I get some major design projects done! This is a picture of a panda!

Test Button!
Placeholder Mug Thumbnail

Placeholder Project 2

Using these projects as placeholders until I get some major design projects done! This is a picture of a mug!

Test Button!
Placeholder Sky Thumbnail

Placeholder Project 3

Using these projects as placeholders until I get some major design projects done! This is a picture of the sky!

Test Button!

Work Experience

Optional paragraph for work experience summary. Not a part of the job details. Delete if not being used.

Fake Job

Fake Company


This is a fake job placeholder description. I was so good at this fake, and recieved many accolades while working at this fake job. I climbed up the corporate ladder at this fake company, and eventually ended up in an executive position!

Optional list:

  • Did busy work.
  • Created new ways to slack off.
  • Lead an intermural foosball league.
  • Responsible for nothing.

Fake Job

Fake Company


This is a fake job placeholder description. I was so good at this fake, and recieved many accolades while working at this fake job. I climbed up the corporate ladder at this fake company, and eventually ended up in an executive position!

Optional list:

  • Did busy work.
  • Created new ways to slack off.
  • Lead an intermural foosball league.
  • Responsible for nothing.

Fake Job

Fake Company


This is a fake job placeholder description. I was so good at this fake, and recieved many accolades while working at this fake job. I climbed up the corporate ladder at this fake company, and eventually ended up in an executive position!

Optional list:

  • Did busy work.
  • Created new ways to slack off.
  • Lead an intermural foosball league.
  • Responsible for nothing.


North Carolina State University - Raleigh

B.S. Textile Engineering (Product Engineering Concentration), 2017-2021

Graduated Cum Laude

Central Piedmont Community College - Charlotte

A.S. Advertising + Graphic Design, 2022-2024

Currently working towards this degree.